World Cup Qualifier--USA vs. Grenada
A case of torn loyalty calls for a sign that expresses it!
Grenadians showed up in force sporting national colors of gold, red and green to support the Spice Boyz!
The US won the "football" game 3-2, but everyone was impressed with how professional Grenada's team looked.

Amy and I celebrating with the assured matter the outcome!
So THIS is Peace Corps?
Every occasion is a reason to celebrate!
The guys are throwing flour on themselves...Grenada's equivilant of silly string?!?
Are you kidding me? Grenada has cheerleaders? How can I join?
It rained for an hour or so before the game and on and off throughout.
Many dedicated fans stuck it out without taking shelter.
No...I didn't pee my pants from excitement.
I promise it was the rain!