March 2005 Photos
I have heard from many people that they love seeing photos on my website,
so here's a collection since last time I posted some...

This is the start of the hike to Seven Sister's waterfalls in the Grand Etang.
This section had severe landslides but did not stop trail repair!
That old galvanized comes in handy for something!
Yes, Katie and Becca DO have clothes on!

One of the main waterfalls on the hike.
Below, you can see a picture of the same spot, pre-Hurricane.

Some of the "organized chaos" during a mattress distrubution
by SARO and Salvation Army

"Return to Happiness" program in Tivoli

My energetic 1st graders that I spend 3 weeks with!

This is the remains of St. Giles Anglican School in rural St. Andrew's.
I am taking the picture from what used to be a classroom.
The hurricane took out the middle section of the school.
The school remains open--when the children are there it looks like a massive dollhouse with only 3 sides.

UNICEF tents (used as classrooms) set up at St. Giles.
The picture above this one was taken just in front of the tents.
You can see the other remaining end of the school on the far side of the tents.

The banana tress in front of the Walker's (across from our Hurricane Safe House) as seen on Superbowl Sunday!
My how they've grown--below is a picture of them just after the storm!

Tess and March (sister and brother-in-law) came for a week long visit in February.
We ended up taking a (VERY!) small plane to Carriacou and took these pictures.
Above is a view of St. George's--you can see the jetty with a cruise ship parked.

This is a shot of the national stadium and Cricket stadium.
You can see the mangled stands around the fields.
Behind and to the bottom left are piles of ruined galvanized steel
they're collecting for recycling.

A view of the town of Gouyave (that one's for you Amy!)

An aerial shot of Paradise Inn where we stayed in Carriacou.
It is the buildings, just right of center, on the water with the brick red roof.

The school supply donations finally arrive at my apartment in Grenada!

Luckily the Peter's had a work crew working on the roof, so I recruited their muscles...

Good thing I have a second bedroom!

This is the pre-school and library-to-be at St. Mary's RC School.
The principal and I have applied for and received a grant to repair the roof
and create a space suitable for a community library inside.

The classroom that will become a library

Official launch of the SARO/Salvation Army Housing Repair Project

Representatives from SARO, Salvation Army, Mennonite Church, Ministry of Housing and community recipients

Some of the many food parcels distributed (packed with care by Kristin, another PCV, and me)

Michael, a boy with CP that I work with, received a new stroller from the SARO donations!
He and his brothers show off his new ride!

Sunset over a (roofless) church in St. George's

I couldn't show pictures without my beautiful nieces!
I got to see them during my visit home over Christmas.
Sydney is almost 2 and Emily just turned 4!

Celebrating JP's birthday...
JP will be going to Columbia University in NYC this summer to pursue his MPA in Environmental Affairs